No Win No Fee

Service Fee Type / Description Amount of Service Fee
Establishment Fee

The fee to open your account

Contribution Fee

The fee payable for each amount deposited into your account

Withdrawal Fee

The fee on each amount you withdraw from your account

Exit Fee

The fee to close your account

Switching Fee

The fee for switching Risk Reward Options

Transaction Fee

The fee for each transaction undertaken on your account charged by RockFixCapital

Third Party Transaction Fee

The fee for each transaction undertaken on your account charged by a Broker or other third party

Fees may vary depending on the choice of Broker. Some Brokers charge separate fees, and others incorporate their fees into their foreign exchange contract rates. Please refer to the terms of service of the relevant Broker. Note: Our Target Risk Reward Options already incorporate the brokers fees.
Performance Fee

The fee for generating a Return on your Account. Fee thresholds are based on Account Equity*. Performance fees become due and payable at the end of each Period.

Account Equity at the end of each Period Fee (% of Return for preceding Period inc. GST, Broker Fees and Commission)
Less than USD $100,000,000 37.00%

How Fees Are Calculated

Date 1st Jan 31st Jan 28th Feb March 31st April 30th
Net Asset Value (NAV) $500,000 $550,000 $520,000 $531,500 $550,000
Profit/Loss $50,000 -$11,500 $11,500 $18,500
Performance Fee $18,500 $0 $0 $6,485
NAV After Performance Fee $500,000 $531,500 $520,000 $531,500 $543,515
High Water Mark $500,000 $531,500 $531,500 $531,500 $543,515

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